This post discusses a small piece of code that uses the three.js
library to load a 3D collada scene. Upon starting to write this blog post
I thought I’d take a look at some of the problems I’d encountered on the way.
To my surprise I realised that I probably had enough information for two posts
rather than just one.
This post will look at the exporting of a 3D model from Blender
to be used with three.js. I’ll create another post to look at how I then
managed to produce a 3D model in Blender and animate it with three.js.
I had first used Blender several years ago, I even bought one of
those ‘For Dummies’ books, but the Blender interface has changed since I last
used the software and viewing a video seemed a nice quick way of diving back
into it. Therefore I looked at a few Blender tutorials initially to get my head into the application.
After some hours playing around with what I’d seen in the video
tutorials I managed to make an extremely crude-looking robot. When I say crude
I don’t mean that it featured any phallic appendages! It was simply a
very simplistic model.
In order to export my robot model from Blender I used the Export >
COLLADA (.dae) option from the
Blender File menu. This generated a Collada .dae file for me. At a later
point in my experimentation with Blender I attempted to produce a very
simplistic animation within Blender and to export this animation. Well this
didn’t work terribly well until I installed a script for Blender that allowed
me to export my model as a Three.js (.js) file. But more on that in my next
One of the first problems that I encountered when initially
loading my robot model into the three.js scene was that of weirdly rotated
objects. Essentially, objects that I had rotated in Blender in order to create
my robot model were appearing non-rotated when imported into my scene. I went
so far as to put a question up on the StackOverflow site but then, after investigation, managed to answer my own
question. Well, ok I didn’t fix the problem myself but thanks again to the Mr. Doob github area I found the answer. I downloaded the three.js library from the
‘dev’ branch rather than the ‘master’ branch on github and my immediate problems
were solved.
In order to be able to export my model from Blender this post came in handy; again
on the Mr. Doob github pages. Although this only came into use when I began
investigating animation of loaded models.
The Source
Anyway the code is as follows. I’ve based much of this code on
my previous examples so some elements, such as my use of require() at the top , may make more sense if you read some
of my earlier posts about my experimentation with three.js. I’ve only included
the javascript source here.
I think that the code, with its comments, is fairly self
'libraries/Three', 'jquery'], function() {
var camera,
scene, renderer;
var dae;
Create an instance of the collada loader:
var loader
= new THREE.ColladaLoader();
// Need
to convert the axes so that our model does not stand upside-down:
= true;
// Load
the 3D collada file (robot01.dae in my example), and specify
// the
callback function that is called once the model has loaded:
'./models/robot01.dae', function
( collada ) {
Grab the collada scene data:
= collada.scene;
No skin applied to my model so no need for the following:
var skin = collada.skins[ 0 ];
Scale-up the model so that we can see it:
= dae.scale.y = dae.scale.z = 25.0;
Initialise and then animate the 3D scene
since we have now successfully loaded the model:
function init()
Instantiate the 3D scene:
= new THREE.Scene();
Instantiate an Orthographic camera this time.
The Left/Right/Top/Bottom values seem to be relative to the scene's 0, 0, 0
The best result seems to come if the overall viewable area is divided in 2
the Left & Bottom values set to negative
= new THREE.OrthographicCamera(
/ -2, // Left
/ 2, // Right
/ 2, // Top
/ -2, // Bottom
// Near clipping plane
); // Far
clipping plane
Set the camera position so that it's up top and looking down:
= 100;
Rotate around the x-axis by -45 degrees:
-= 45 * (Math.PI/ 180);
Add the camera to the scene:
Add some lights to the scene
var directionalLight
= new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xeeeeee , 1.0);
= 1;
= 0;
= 0;
directionalLight );
var directionalLight2
= new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xeeeeee, 2.0);
A different way to specify the position:
0, 1);
directionalLight2 );
Add the loaded model to the scene:
Instantiate the renderer
= new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
.. and set it's size:
Place the renderer into the HTML (inside the #container div):
function animate()
Defined in the RequestAnimationFrame.js file, this function
means that the animate function is called upon timeout:
animate );
function render()
*** Update the scene ***
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