Friday, 21 June 2019

10 open source flutter apps

A list of top 10 awesome open source applications built with Flutter
Open source projects are always a nice way to learn any framework. I started searching for such awesome projects to learn flutter. Though I have come across many open source Flutter applications. I am compiling a list of top 10 applications. These are my favourites. This list will contain just the best open source applications and avoid any small and low-quality projects. I will also maintain this project and update it from time to time.

1. InKino

inKino is a multi platform Dart app for browsing movies and showtimes for Finnkino cinemas. InKino showcases Redux, has an extensive set of automated tests and 40% code sharing between Flutter and web. The Android & iOS apps are made with a single Flutter codebase. The progressive web app is made with AngularDart. This project is a good example of a multi platform Dart project.
Inkino screenshots

2. Orientation application

An app created for Trinity College at University of Toronto. The app is acts as a companion for all first year students during orientation week.
This application is a good learning place for flutter enthusiasts who want to learn powerful animations and card transitions.

3. Toughest

The app serves you for your interview preparation and brain exercises, it has questions and answers divided into various different categories to ease your preparation.
If you focus on it, then it can cover up to 90% common interview questions.
Features: - “Share with your friends” — select the hardest questions to test your friends’ IQ! - “Questions divided into various categories — Behavioural, communicational, opinion based, performance-based, Brain Teasers”. - “Behavioural questions test your behaviours and so every category will test your different abilities”.

4. Platypus Crypto

Platypus Crypto is an ad-free cross-platform robust solution for tracking cryptocurrency assets. The interface includes real-time 7-day graphs, current prices and market caps, and percent change over time. Featuring rapid sort, search and refresh features, and support for 32 fiat currencies, Platypus Crypto enables casual and power users alike to monitor cryptocurrency assets on-the-go! Customisation options allow for the removal of 7-day graphs for a more compact feel and a dark theme.

5. You

This is a simple app that makes it easy to access your personal data. You can download your data that Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter collects. This app has a function to control your mobile remotely, you can ring your mobile, and even can delete your data remotely(in case you have lost your phone).

6. Weight Tracker

Weight Tracker is an application dedicated for people who want to dump or maintain weight. It allows you to keep an eye on your progress and pursue your weight goals.

7. SpaceX Go!

Launch tracking & details: Detailed list of past & upcoming launches. Vehicle catalogue: Read about all rockets & capsules SpaceX has develop over the years. Tesla Roadster tracker: Orbit, speed & distance of the Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster. Core & capsules details: More information about each core & capsules launched.

8. Grey

Music Player developed with advanced animations and full features including navigations and transitions.

9. Beer Me up

Beer Me Up is an iOS and Android app build with Flutter.
The app is a personal beer logging that allows you to enter every beer you have to be sure to remember them forever.
Btw one should not count beers!
Beermeup screenshots

10. Cinnematic

This app is a Flutter port of the native Android App Cinematic. It lists all the movies along with their ratings. Use of powerful animations is a nice learning experience.
cinnematic snapshot
Please leave your suggestions in the comments section and I’ll update soon if I find they worth it. Looking forward to some cool suggestions!

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