Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Digital Transformation 2023 – Olive’s Top Trends

 October 2, 2022

A silhouette of a man stands on the background of large office windows and views a hologram of corporate infographic with work data.

Imagining the Future

Despite an incoming recession, digital transformation remains top of mind for many. Here at Olive,

 we have been keeping an ear to the ground, listening out for what digital transformation trends are 

coming in 2023. Here’s a summary of digital transformation trends to look out for in 2023.

Olive’s Top Digital Transformation Trends for 2023

1. Acceleration of Digital Transformation

We agree with  assessment, that in 2023, we predict to see more enterprise innovations.

 Companies will continue to invest in technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), the 

internet of things (IoT),  cloud computing, blockchain, and more. Marr states;

“These transformational digital technologies do not exist in isolation   from each other, and

 we will see the boundaries between them blurring. This brings us closer than ever to the 

point where we are able to create “intelligent enterprises” where systems and processes

 support each other to complete menial and mundane tasks in the most efficient way possible.”


Digital Transformation Spending
Digital Transformation Spending

2. Lean Digital Transformation

With recession 2023 rumors swirling, the ability to deliver business value efficiently and 

predictably is more important than ever. The benefits of digital transformation can certainly 

deliver this value; however, the process of finding the right solutions that drive transformation 

costs time and resources. At Olive, we believe a lean digital transformation strategy can get help 

organizations reap the benefits of digital transformation, without the hefty monetary or retention costs.

“In uncertain times, digital transformation becomes more, not less, important.”

 3.Consolidation of software vendors

With an influx of merger and acquisition activity happening worldwide, we are witnessing private 

equity buying out big companies – combined with developing technologies – which has resulted in a

 consolidation of software vendors. Acquisitions of tech providers were briefly impacted in 2020

 by the onset of the pandemic, but M&A activity experienced recovery in 2021 as the economy 

began to bounce back. Consolidation in the technology business is expected to reach new highs in 2022,

 according to a report by Gartner Inc. By 2022, it is predicted that the level of global mergers 

and acquisitions activity involving technology providers will surpass previous highs recorded in 2018, 

according to Gartner. 

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4. Solutions for hybrid and remote-work

Nearly 40% of workers would consider quitting if their bosses made them return to the office full time,

 a new survey shows. In America, 4.3 million  quit their jobs just in August of 2021.

“Changes to workplace expectations and an increase of remote work opportunities   

 over the past two years is a large factor in this, but other things to consider are  generational

 mindsets, a competitive job market and, of course, the economy.”

– Forbes

Organizations are going to need technologies that seamlessly enable collaboration regardless of location. 

Businesses will leverage Digital transformation tools to manage work and coordinate with teams and 

stakeholders that are globally dispersed. According to McKinsey & Company, COVID-19 has sped up

 the adoption of digital technologies by years across industries. Demand for digital transformation 

services will also become increasingly prominent in 2022, as remote work takes precedence over onsite 

collaboration in many industries.

5. AI and hyper-automation

Every day we create roughly 2.5 quintillion bytes of data, and that number is growing at an exponential 

rate. Remember, data is only as effective as the AI systems we use to manage, regulate, and mine it for

 insights. The implementation of Artificial Intelligence will become an increasingly vital business 

function in 2023. It is important to move away from a fear-based approach to AI, which suggests that

AI and machine learning will eventually take all of our jobs. This isn’t the case – AI will repurpose 

human assets – rather than take jobs away. The purpose of harnessing AI is to automate. Hyper 

Automation is the concept that says: anything that can be automated should be. Essentially, this means

 that any repetitive task without the need for human supervision should be built into an

automated process. Although AI will undeniably continue to result in certain job losses, it’s 

efficiency may have huge benefits for many employees. Automating menial tasks allows the employer

 to use the saved resources for more purposeful tasks.

“There is really very little excuse for being in business and not having an 

understanding of how AI and the other technologies mentioned above will impact your business 

and industry.”

– Forbes

We have an experienced team at Ciphers Lab that can help you in setting a stunning 

web application that will boost your sales online. get connected now 

6. AI for customer experience success

New technologies, processes, and the advancement and benefits of AI will continue to positively affect 

the customer experience in 2023 and beyond. Gartner predicts that organizations with customer service 

channels that properly embed AI will experience a 25% increase in operational efficiency. 

Customer-centric approaches to commerce are now the medium of preference and leveraging this 

optimally relies on AI. Today, companies can lawfully collect deep insights about their customers. 

Those with an eye toward the future are boosting their data and analytics capabilities and harnessing

 predictive insights to connect more closely with their customers. The insights on exactly when, how, 

and why a customer behaves a certain way with a business are causing IT system redesigns. 

The markers of this are visible everywhere from pop-up customer care chat boxes and e-mail 

capturing to drip campaigns or “also bought” suggestions.

According to Boston Digital, investing in customer experience tools will help to strengthen your 

digital footprint and increase your ROI. The customer experience is becoming far more personalized 

and rendering traditional approaches obsolete. Considering the growing strength of AI technologies, 

AI will continue to become more ubiquitous in consumers’ everyday lives in 2022 and beyond, 

particularly in retail and hospitality. 

7. Increasingly distributed enterprises

Traditional office-centric organizations that once relied on hiring employees in a specific location 

are becoming more geographically dispersed. Companies such as Remote facilitate remote work on a 

global scale. Speaking of the necessity for the technology to support distributed enterprises, David 

Groombridge, research vice president at Gartner said:

“This requires CIOs to make major technical and service changes to deliver frictionless work experiences, 

but there is another side to this coin: the impact on business models. For every organization, from retail

 to education, their delivery model has to be reconfigured to embrace distributed services. The world 

didn’t think they’d be trying on clothes in a digital dressing room two years ago.”

Companies must keep up with technological transformations if they are to keep their dispersed teams 

engaged throughout times of disruption. Having the right digital transformation tools is imperative to 

success. Gartner expects that by 2023, 75% of organizations that exploit distributed enterprise benefits 

will realize revenue growth 25% faster than competitors.

We have an experienced team at Ciphers Lab that can help you in setting a stunning 

web application that will boost your sales online. get connected now

8. Digital Transformation Leadership

With an increased pressure on organizations to digitize their services, the importance of business 

technologists will come to the fore as essential players in the acceleration of innovation and digital 

transformation. Business technologists will be crucial to IT departments’ efforts to accelerate 

organizational innovation. In 2023, it will be imperative that business technologists “walk the walk” 

when it comes to digital transformation – and have the right tools in place to execute successful

 digitization strategies.

9. Continued supply chain digital transformation

The world’s delicate supply chains are under a mammoth burden of stress – contributing to increased 

consumer prices and a sluggish global economic recovery. Supply chain digitization, and 

supply chain 4.0, will be crucial components to alleviating the complexity of global supply 

chain issues in 2022. Companies need to rethink their supply chain and approach it with innovation 

rather than the status-quo.

Supply chains now have the opportunity to reach new heights of operational effectiveness, to leverage 

emerging digital supply chain business models, and to transform into a digital supply chain.

‘’Supply Chain 4.0 – the application of the Internet of Things, the use of advanced robotics, and

the application of advanced analytics of big data in supply chain management: place sensors in

everything, create networks everywhere, automate anything, and analyze everything to

significantly improve performance and customer satisfaction”

– McKinsey & Company

Because purchasing supply chain management software is filled with headaches and risks, along with 

so many pitfalls en route, many companies fail to purchase the right supply chain management software 

for their unique business needs. Often vendors will pitch you their supply chain management 

software – regardless as to whether it is the right tool for you or not. Supply chain digitization is 

undeniably essential in 2022 and beyond, but you will need to ensure that you purchase the right 

supply chain management software for your company. Follow Olive’s steps to choosing the right 

supply chain software here. 

We have an experienced team at Ciphers Lab that can help you in setting a stunning 

web application that will boost your sales online. get connected now

10. Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 combines traditional manufacturing processes with new integrated technology that aims to 

mitigate inefficiencies. This fourth industrial revolution will transform how businesses operate and 

benefit the customer. We will see industry 4.0 expanding in urgency in 2022 –  with 91% of 

manufacturers increasing their net technology spend in 2021. In 2022, predictions point to 

organizations attempting to pull together all silo technologies they’ve deployed over the years, with 

more productions moving towards robotics, and AI and machine learning becoming increasingly 


11. Software vendor sales bluffs exposed

The world of software selling business can often be a jungle of deception and mismatched vendor sales 

solutions. One of the reasons we created Olive, was to overcome the bias in software sales. Purchasing 

the wrong software can not only damage business but also employees. According to a G2 report, poor

 software choices may lead to increased employee turnover, with more than half of respondents (52%) 

stating they have been dissatisfied in their roles due to mismatched software, and 24% stating they have 

considered looking for a new job due to mismatched software.

Unfortunately, some software selling companies are becoming increasingly brazen – selling to 

companies in which the software becomes shelfware. For example, take a smaller company with very

 specific and niche needs, that is strong-armed into buying SAP. This solution doesn’t necessarily meet

 the needs of the business. In 2023, as companies become increasingly savvy of generic software 

vendors that offer ‘’a one-size-fits all’’ solution, certain software vendor sales bluffs will be exposed.

We have an experienced team at Ciphers Lab that can help you in setting a stunning 

web application that will boost your sales online. get connected now

12. A growing focus on human capital management (HCM) software

The focus on human capital management (HCM) has already made a big comeback in 2022, and will 

continue to take center stage in 2023 and beyond. The practice of Human Capital Management HCM 

has become increasingly prevalent, as people recognize that an organization’s workforce is its 

greatest asset. HCM has become the driving force behind many new business practices, a growing

 abundance of human capital management software solutions, and an emphasis on the concept of 

human capital as a competitive advantage. The success of HCM will rely largely on digital 

transformation in 2023 and beyond as HCM software helps organizations manage their workforce.

Find Digital Transformation Solutions with Olive

The acceleration of digital transformation trends that we predict to see in 2023 and beyond may seem

overwhelming. But with the right technology by your side, big changes will be seamless for you and

 your organization. Olive is the first cloud-based technology evaluation platform created for IT 

consultants, IT leaders buyers and their teams to collaborate and streamline the process of selecting 

solutions that drive digital transformation.

“To prepare for “intelligent enterprises”, businesses must ensure they embed the right 

technology throughout their processes and in every area of operations.”

– Forbes

Reduce the cost of your technology evaluations. Increase process effectiveness. Keep talent, and 

automate the frustrating and mundane activities) and find the solutions in 66% less time, with Olive!

We have an experienced team at Ciphers Lab that can help you in setting a stunning 

web application that will boost your sales online. get connected now

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